Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Sewed My Finger!

That's what I get for procrastinating and staying up late. I waited until three days before the first Halloween party to start on the three new costumes for this year. Sarah's, Alex's and Lucas's. I finished Sarah's and Lucas's, and half of Alex's in a couple of late night sewing sessions in a row. Then I had the last half of Alex's to finish the night before the first party at 11:30am at my house. So... here's what happened:

The first finger.I was tacking one of Alex's mummy strips down, and my finger just sort of jumped up under the needle! I swear it did! I poked a hole right through. It bled like crazy too. So I went up and washed it off, wrapped it for a minute while I got out all the first aid stuff, then proceeded to put neosporin and a bandaid on it. It was throbbing, but I wasn't finished with the costume that I needed the next morning. So I put all the stuff away and headed back downstairs.

The second finger. It was less than five minutes later. The first time, I just yanked my finger back away from the sewing machine and said "Shoot!" Not even very loudly. The second time, I yanked my finger back and yelled "CRAP!" which, if you know me at all, only comes out of my mouth when I have done something I consider seriously stupid. So I went back upstairs and had to get all the first aid stuff back out. When I was finished, I left it out just in case! This one was much less severe, though. It was more of a cut than a puncture, really. Which is a little funny because that's the finger that still bugs me today, after 4 days. The first one that went through is practically healed. Go figure. The scratched finger is more of a nuisance than the actual wounded finger...

So this is what my hand looked like for a few days. If you'll notice, the time on my watch in these pictures is AM, not PM. Thus the tired stupidity that led to sewn fingers.

On a brighter note, my nails were very festive. Look at the cute Jack-O-Lantern polish!

1 comment:

The Jerman Family said...

I am so sorry about your finger - kind of funny though :) I love seeing what you guys are up to. Loved the pictures of your house - so beautiful.