Friday, April 4, 2008

The "Secret" to Weight Loss

If you ask a doctor, "What's the secret to weight loss?" you'll probably receive a profound response equivalent to, "Eat less. Exercise more." Well, duh! Thank you Captain Obvious. Most people who ask that question of someone have already stumbled upon this colloquial statement somewhere in their quest for a smaller pair of jeans. Well, for those of us who are tired of hearing mostly useless words of "duh" from others who haven't a tangible extra pound anywhere to be seen, let me expound this ill-fitted announcement of the evident. Some of my statements may be just as familiar and commonplace, but the difference is that no one asked me. I'm just putting my top 10 assessment out there for kicks. You don't have to read it.

1. Eat less. Yeah, it works. But you have to know how to do it. Sometimes you don't have to change a single thing about your diet, you just have to curb your portions. Stop eating when you're satisfied. Not when you're stuffed to the brim. Put less on your plate to begin with. Get a smaller plate! Drink a glass of skim or fat free milk before you eat your meal.

2. Exercise more. Yeah, it works. But honestly, who has the time?? Not me! I do get some exercise by chasing kids around and constantly doing toe touches to pick up toys and clutter off the floor, but it's nothing cardio worthy. For those of you who actually get out of the house more than once a week, try taking the stairs instead of the elevator (works best when you can do this daily, but always is better than standing around on the elevator!) Of course, if you have a stroller, just the sheer force of pushing it gives your heart and calorie burners an extra boost. If exercising is not for you, then find foods that are easier to digest and pass through your system a little more quickly. Lower in fat and lower in calories.

3. Okay, now for the nitty gritty of food-based health. Don't go to the store hungry. Seriously folks. Don't do it. You're just asking for trouble. There is never a reason to go down the "salty snacks" aisle (except maybe a party). And water is always better for you (not to mention cheaper, healthier, less caloric, and more readily available than soft drinks, juice cocktails and other "on the go" beverages). If you're not hungry when you're food shopping, you'll be less likely to buy the potato chips, cookies and ice cream, and stick to what's actually on your list.

4. Speaking of "list," make a list before you go to the grocery store, and STICK TO IT! I find that if I have a list prepared, I'm constantly checking it and crossing things off, and I end up not having any time to stray to other aisles to "browse." If it's not on your list, and you don't genuinely need it, don't buy it.

5. Set a budget. Carry cash if you have to. That will limit the "extras" that you don't really have room in your budget for. If you don't have enough cash, the unnecessary items are always the ones to go first.

6. Don't buy "fat pants." I mean, come on. You're just asking for it when you allow yourself to have a bigger pair of pants for when you overindulge. When your pants start to fit too snugly, and there's not an option to just tuck those ones away in the drawer and get out your fat pants, the only real option is to change your body instead of changing your pants. Besides, if you don't change something about the way you eat, your "fat pants" will become your normal pants, and you'll start buying a bigger size "fat pants" and your "skinny pants" will become your "when I was younger" pants.

7. Stay away from fast food. It will help your waistline get smaller and your wallet get bigger. If it's fast and easy, it's probably not healthy anyway.

8. If you've already got that extra weight, and you've heard all this stuff before (which is a high probability - I'm not really saying anything new here) then what you need to work on first is motivation. I'm not talking about that fleeting thought that scampers across your mind when you do spring cleaning and pull out last year's "skinny pants." I'm talking about true ambition and drive to succeed. Find what works best for you. If the buddy system keeps you accountable and on track, find one. If keeping a personal record or journal of your progress works well, start one. If having a role model or an end goal image works for you, find a person who has done it before, or computer generate your own goal image and print it out. Put it in a place that you'll see it when you're having a craving. If hearing praise or criticism works best for you, tell your best friend what you're doing and have them be completely honest with you about your progress each time you see or talk to that person. If you've "tried everything" and haven't found what works, it's time for new ideas. Seek support from an online community or a weight loss center.

9. Reward yourself once in a while. No one can stick to a plan that they can't stand. If you're vice is chocolate, buy some fat free fudgecicles for when you're feeling weak. But make sure you keep track of the calories they add and try to balance it out somewhere else. If it's burgers, try a garden burger or grill your own instead of getting McDonald's. The best reward is the shopping trip you'll need to take when you get down to your goal weight. So start saving for it now.

10. If you've lost the weight already, and are maintaining it well, SHARE YOUR "SECRET." It's not fair for you to keep quiet when a growing percentage of Americans are struggling with this issue.

If you've read all this, you're a true friend to me. I tend to ramble. If anyone has the secret to getting rid of the wrinkly, stretched out, post-pregnancy belly, PLEASE pass along that theory. I'd love to test it for you.


{Steve and Amanda} said...

I like number 6. That is funny. Shirts and tops are a big one with that too. Especially in the winter time when you can resort to wearing big sweatshirts. I am going to be completely honest, I tend to gain more weight in the winter because of the sweatshirts(it doesn't help that the big holidays are in the winter). Maybe I should just buy an outside jacket and stuff the sweatshirts somewhere far away.

Nanci said...

Good reminders. I will need to throw away all that easter candy that stares right back at me everyday.

Anonymous said...

Great top 10 list. I will have to try these ideas. We love and miss you ALL very much!