Sunday, June 15, 2008

Every Day Should Be Father's Day

To me, it seemed more like Mother's Day than Father's Day. Jeff got up with the kids while I slept in...LATE. He got the boys ready for church, AND the diaper bag, tended Audrey during the classes, and kept Alex and Lucas entertained during Sacrament Meeting. When we got home, I gave Jeff his choice of what to eat for dinner. He didn't have a preference, wich comes as no surprise because he almost never will answer that question for me. I told him that if he didn't tell me what he wanted, then Sarah was going to get to choose, and she almost always wants Ramen. When I said that, he said that's what he wanted. It was fine by me because it's a really easy meal to make (if you can really call it a "meal") and leaves little mess to clean up (except the parts the boys throw on the floor). After eating our Ramen dinner, we watched "Muppets From Space" and I even got to take a nap. Then Jeff put the boys to bed and Sarah, Jeff and I ate the Father's Day ice cream sundaes I made for us. All in all, it was a semi-relaxing day for me. Hopefully it was for him, too. But it really did feel more like Mother's Day to me because I didn't have to do quite so much as I normally do on a Sunday. Thanks baby. Happy Father's Day!
*Check out my Impressions blog for my tribute to husbands.*


{Steve and Amanda} said...

Those pictures are so cute. Glad to see you guys had a good Father's Day. I'm so glad that Steve has such great older brothers to look up to.

Briar Black said...

Lucky! You got two Mother's days!! Well I'm glad you had such a great time. Hmmmmmm.....Ramen sounds good......kinda late, but still......

Ash Trump said...

Wow I have missed so much since our internet went out!!!! Soooo many cute and fun posts ;o) Happy Father's Day Jeff... Happy Late Birthday Ashleigh and CONGRATS on the house I hope all goes well with it. If you need help moving or anything let us know...K!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog entry about how much you appreciate Jeff.
Happy Father's Day to him! He is such a great dad and a great example to other young fathers. As are you to mamas. You guys are an amazing family!

The Farnsworth Family said...

Didn't we luck out marrying these awesome Farnsworth boys? So glad you had such a good Father's day (& birthday! a few days earlier). I loved catching up on your blog! I hope you move is going well. It will be fun to see you in a week or so!

The Wagners said...

HEY!!!! I just realized that it's almost July 4th ... and you're coming down for July 4th!!! When are you coming? And do you have any idea what anyone is doing for it?