Thursday, August 28, 2008

Audrey Love

This is the cutest, happiest, most content, and most stubborn baby in the whole world. Audrey has been testing out her legs since she was nine months old. She's been crawling since 6 1/2 months or so. She is a proficient cruiser, stander, bouncer, dancer, walker, and teaser. Yes... teaser. This girl absolutely refuses to walk on her own. She can. And she knows she can. But for some reason, she gets this delightful feeling of elation by pretending like she's about to take a few steps, then immediately dropping down to the ground and racing on all fours to wherever we're trying to get her to go. All while sporting a huge grin and a giggle. I really think she's just doing it because she can. She knows she can walk, and even will do it while holding on to one of our pinky fingers with one of her hands. She just refuses to give her parents any satisfaction by doing it on her own. I think she thinks it's a game. Oh well. We're in no hurry to be chasing her around the house keeping her out of trouble. She can be little as long as she pleases because she's just so cute at it. Here she is teasing Mama...


Emily said...

she is so cute!!! I'm so excited for you guys to come visit. I think the last time I commented I said that too! Its probably because I mean it!! Oh and I check my email all the time because I'm at a desk all day -so usually I know when an email comes. (that was in answer to you voting question on the side of your blog.)

Brooke and Brian said...

That's so cute that she has totally blond hair, or at least thats what it looks like from the pics. She is so big!

{CUTE} said...

Audrey is such a cutie. Oh my goodness, that pie down there looks ssooo good. If you would like to make one for me and send it to me that would be great. I am not good at making stuff like that. I need to bump up my cooking/baking skills.