Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So. On any given day, if you walk into my house, this is probably what you'll find. I swear, there was nothing on these floors yesterday! I really do clean my house daily, and I try to keep things organized. But, I have 4 little ones that like to spread their favorite things around the house all the time. Yes, FOUR of them. Audrey's crawling now, and she takes toys along with her, too. Does anyone else have the reappearing/migrating toy problem?
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{Steve and Amanda} said...

I guess you need to be careful where you step or you will step on something painful. That's a nice little collection they have there at the bottom of the stairs.

Emily said...

Ashleigh does clean her house! I've witnessed it on many occasions! She does I wonderful job with all those kids! Bravo! Bravo!

Brooke and Brian said...

I agree Mrs. Emily, I agree.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are SO reminiscent of you kids when you were little. We always had to watch where we stepped. We love and miss you SOOOO Much. You are all so BEAUTIFUL.

Kendra@My Insanity said...

This post makes me tired! My kids wear me out enough, but you have many more kids in the mess-making age range than I do! (Kira makes messes, but can clean up, and Tessa isn't mobile enough to make those kinds of messes yet). You are earning your rewards in heaven, for sure!

Love the blog re-design!

Becky said...

The only way to get rid of the migrating toy problem is to get rid of the toys...

and then, of course, we would have a totally different problem on our hands!

Love the pictures--supposedly you will look back at those some day and miss it :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.