Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Battle of Short vs. Long

Well, as you can see, short won out. Sandy is getting used to the new house and her new rules. She's had a few "accidents" here because I think she used to have a doggy door at her other place, and didn't know quite where to go here. As a result, we found that her long hair often acquired some of the mess, and began to smell less than fresh. I decided to cut a little off, just so she wouldn't be dragging it around getting it dirty. In the grooming process, I discovered a horrible amount of matted and tangled hair under that beautiful froo-froo top coat! How incredibly uncomfortable that must have been! So... about 4 hours and a huge mountain of hair later, she's shaved nearly bald, and looking ever so comfy! See for yourself...

Now, normally I don't dress the dog up. Maybe once in a while. But it's still pretty frigid here in Northern Utah, and she's probably never had hair this short since she was born. I wanted her to stay just a little warmer on her potty breaks outside in the snow rather than shocking her system with a new hair cut AND frigid cold, so we got her this hoodie. Sarah actually picked it out. She sure looks cute doesn't she?

The bows only lasted about 3 hours. They're nowhere to be found now. She probably shook or scratched them out. I'll probably keep her hair just a tad longer next winter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys lucked out with that dog! That is awesome. I love shitzu's!
I think her hair looks cute both ways but it sure is a pain to take care of when it's long like that.
You did a great job cutting it though! :-))