Sunday, January 18, 2009

Look Who's growing up!

Audrey is getting just so big! She likes to do everything her older siblings do, and will stop at nothing to get the help she needs. She was just so sad this night when she had to eat strapped into her chair at the table while everyone else got to sit at the counter. So I put her up on the stool and let her give it a try. She kinda liked it. I wasn't so thrilled. My older three tend to fall off the stools still when they're not paying attention. Audrey's fall would seem so much farther and so much more painful. Plus, her scream would be just slightly more irritating. She's learned that if she wants attention, she has to be the loudest one in the room. She utilizes that new realized skill more than I'd care to admit. My house is always pretty noisy. But hey... I'm used to it by now! And no, this is not a typical dinner at the Farnsworth household. Jeff was out of town, and there was really no need to cook a big meal with leftovers that the kids probably would fight me on eating anyway. So it was corndogs, mac 'n cheese, apples and oranges. What a spread! Ironically, it was not one of their favorite meals anyway. They don't care much for mac 'n cheese or corndogs (weird kids!). Most of the fruit was gone, but we had an abundance of "leftovers" that night without me even cooking.


Brooke and Brian said...

Haha, look at Audrees face like "Mom, what the heck is this icky black thing on my food?" She is so cute. Looks just like you!

The Wagners said...

What is that icky black thing on her food? Haha. Anyway, it's ok, I know Tayson looks nothing like me. If I wasn't the one who gave birth to him, I might think he wasn't mine! But thank you. And your kids are freaking adorable! I wish we lived SOOOOO much closer. Like a few hundred miles AT LEAST!

Brooke and Brian said...

Sorry, I spelled her name wrong. My visiting teachers companion has a daughter named adree, that is why I keep getting them mixed up. Anyway, update your blog already would ya! I love seeing new pics of your cute kids.