Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Passie Time

I think we've finally gotten the boys officially "off the passie." It's been a week or so, now, and we haven't given them one at all. We started by taking it away when they wanted to go outside over the summer (more because we didn't want them to lose them - they cost something like $2.00-$2.50 a piece!). Then, we started making them leave them at home when we went somewhere. Then we started snagging them up during the day when they put them down and were not looking. Eventually, we dropped passie use down to naptimes and bedtimes. A few weeks ago, I stopped giving them one during naps. They would ask for one, but I told them no, and let them whine about it until they fell asleep. It really only lasted about two minutes after I closed the door. (When they realized I wasn't coming back to give in to their whines.) About a week or so ago, I simply "forgot" to give them their passies at bedtime. They asked for them a few times, and have a few times since, but I think they're officially off! Hallelujah! My sweet little boys are growing up. And hopefully their teeth will not suffer from their prolonged exposure to the pacifier.


The Wagners said...

YAY!!! Congrats!

Danielle and Calan said...

It's about time! ha jk :) I actually just bought two more binks for Calan today, cuz i'm sick of looking for them all the time. He puts them in the weirdest places and i think he tossed a couple in the trash, so yeah, now he has more so hopefully i don't have to look for them as often. I plan to take em away when he stops teething, so we'll see how that goes.

Brooke and Brian said...

Thats pretty cool. Ryah wont take a passie so I guess I wont have any trouble weening it from her. But congrats!