Thursday, January 15, 2009


For those of you who wondered what Jeff's reaction to the post below was, here it is:

When he got home, Sandy was by the front door with Sarah. Since Jeff came in the garage door, he didn't see her until he walked all the way through the kitchen. Sarah knew he was coming and had a huge smile on her face. Jeff saw her and said, "What in the world is this?" He was clearly confused. At first, he thought it might be someone else's dog. Then he thought, "Is this our dog?" So he said, "Sarah, who is this?" The first thing Sarah said was actually quite hilarious. She said "We didn't steal her. A lady gave her to us at a house last night." Why she would want to reassure him that we weren't stealing, I have no clue. Now that he knew it was our dog, I could see the wheel's turning in his head. Here's what I imagine was running through his mind at that moment:

What did she (Ashleigh) do?

I thought we were trying to save money. (for a fence, TV, fix the Navigator suspension problem, refrigerator, etc...)

How much did she spend?

And probably some other things I missed or didn't pick up on. I asked him what he thought. With apprehension and confusion, he said, "She's cute." Then I proceeded to tell him that she was free, and quickly said why she was free so he didn't start to worry that there was something seriously wrong with her. (The owner was elderly and had been in and out of the hospital lately and couldn't take care of a puppy right now - along with her other Shih Tzu, and four other dogs that are living in her daughter's house with her) We seriously just lucked out. I saw the ad 8 minutes after it was posted, and was the first responder, so we got her.

Long story short: After hearing all the facts, Jeff is happy and excited to have a new dog in the house. We've both been missing Cosmoe lately, and have been talking about a new dog (what kind to get, when to get it, how much to spend, etc.). Jeff even said he had been thinking about starting to look online that very day he came home and found her here. I even thought about telling him to get me a puppy for Valentine's Day. So I'd say he's pleasantly surprised. We have been really happy with Sandy these last couple of days. She's very well mannered, yet playful. The kids absolutely adore her, and practically won't let her alone long enough to go to the bathroom! We were definitely blessed with a great find. Call me the "Deal Queen." I tend to find amazing deals on things we need or are looking for on KSL classifieds quite a bit.


Brooke and Brian said...

Nice job Deal's good that she is good with the kids.

Brooke and Brian said...

Hey, no. That was actually in Queen Creek. They opened a new area with all sorts of fun. It's right down the street from dad. Anyway, yeah it was fun. And I have no idea what salsitis is! Ha!