Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Farnsworth #7

And no. That doesn't mean I'm pregnant again. Here's the newest addition to the Farnsworth household. As you all know, we lost Cosmoe last September. Since that very night, Sarah has been praying to "please bless that we can get a new dog" every single night. I guess four months of praying for it paid off! We found "Princess Suzy Racoon" (Her previous owner named her Suzy. Sarah added the Princess, and Racoon. Couldn't tell you why...) on KSL Classifieds last night for FREE! We've had her for less than a day, and she's been wonderful so far. She's 8 months old, already housebroken, but still a puppy, so still trainable, and she actually really likes the kids. She's been attached to Sarah's hip all morning long just following her around, and has been very calm and mellow. Now for the funny part: Jeff has no idea we have her! He's been out of town since Monday and is getting back this afternoon. He called me last night at about 5, and I found the ad and called for the dog right after, and immediately loaded everyone up and went to pick up our new baby girl! We've been discussing getting a new dog for some time, but were thinking we'd wait until spring after we put a fence in the back yard. Being a sucker for a good deal, I just couldn't pass up FREE! I don't think Jeff will mind... We shall see. Isn't she cute? We bathed her last night, and brushed her out and trimmed up some scraggly hairs this morning. I was thinking I'd shave her all like we used to do with Cosmoe, but it's really cold here, and she might be warmer with the longer coat. Plus, I think it's kind of cute! What do you think? Should we shave her? Or leave her long?

**After Jeff got home tonight, and we had a family vote on what to call our new dog, we decided on "Sandy Beach." We'll call her Sandy for short. Sandy because she's sandy colored and Beach because... well you'll just have to ask Jeff about that...


The Wagners said...

First of all, I didn't know Cosmoe was gone :( That makes me sad. But on the question of shaving or keeping her long haired, I've always been partial to short haired shih tzus. Congrats on the new dog though! You should have let me know, I would have used it as an excuse to get Zoey pregnant again!!! HAHA (I've been trying to talk my mom into getting Zoey pregnant again for some time, just because Shih Tsu puppies are my favorite)

{Steve and Amanda} said...

She was FREE!?! Wow that is a great deal. She is so adorable, I think you should keep the hair long. Maybe mess around with a shorter length during the hot summer months. I'm glad Sarah's prayers were answered :)

Nanci said...

In the top photo I thought that Sarah was holding a stuffed animal. What a perfect little dog you got there! It looks cuter long but then if she goes outside in the snow she might bring in more snow and water onto the floor. I don't know. What a good deal. I'm glad that everyone could agree on a name.

Emily said...

That's awesome! Nanci is right she looks like a perfect dog! Now that Jeff's home... how did he react? did he like it? I'm sure he did. hahha

Brooke and Brian said...

OK, that looks exactly like a dog you would get. Don't ask me why, it just does. She is cute. I hate long hair, but thats just cause I hate cleaning it up! But as far as looks go, honestly, it looks like something you would put in your purse and carry around with you. But she is cute.

Laura said...

What a beautiful dog! Free is a great price tag. :)