Saturday, January 26, 2008


Every parent worries about sibling rivalry. It's only natural that I would worry that Sarah may not like Audrey encroaching on her space and taking precious attention away from her. Well, this picture speaks for itself. Sarah and Audrey are twinsies. Sarah even picked out Audrey's jammies to match her own. On this particular occasion, Sarah was watching Jeff play a video game and she asked if she could "sit with Audrey" while they both watched. Of course I said it was okay. I then proceeded to get the camera off of the piano and take a couple of pictures. After about three of them, Sarah said, "Okay, mom. Only two more." She was referring to the pictures. And she politely posed for each of the last two pictures, and when the second shot was snapped, she said, "That's all, mom. You can put the camera away now." She was very articulate about it and knew exactly what she wanted. She's a very cute and loving "big sister."

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