Thursday, March 26, 2009

Catch Up Time!

***WARNING*** This post is LONG. But it's cute. So read it anyway!

We've been really active and productive over the last month, despite what my blog reflects. This first picture is just a little tidbit of fun from a few weeks ago. Sarah has a music mini-class in her preschool class every Thursday. This month, they've apparently been working on playing "Musical Chairs." Sarah found her little CD player and stack of primary songs in her room. She brought it downstairs, proudly put it on and started rearranging kitchen chairs. Pretty soon, she was playing Musical Chairs with her brothers and sister! I had to step in as Music Monitor so she didn't have to stop the music every time. This was the best picture I got out of the bunch. They wouldn't stay still long enough. But it was cute. Made me smile.

Sarah's preschool class got to go to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden last Friday. It was fun, but I'm incredibly glad I was not crazy enough to take all those kids myself! Jeff left for an extended lunch break to join us. After all, at a museum for kids, adults get in free! Here are Alex and Lucas showing us their "I'm being patient, mom, I swear!" faces. This was the gathering time before they got to be turned loose in the museum to explore what they wanted. They were seriously itching to get going.

I don't remember where this idea came from, but usually when I take all the kids somewhere like this, I take their picture at the place before we get all started just in case they get separated from us and we need help looking for someone. Having a picture of what exactly they look like and what they're wearing really helps people try and find them (not that that's happened to me... but I heard it was a good idea). Here's all the little cuties I had with me that day:

This one is Sarah's friend, Katie. She lives down the street and goes to the same preschool as Sarah. They made instant friends when her family moved into the neighborhood right after we did. We like her and her cute family. So does Sarah.

Here's Audrey "walking the plank" on this cute wooden sailboat. She really did walk right off the edge!

Lucas really enjoyed the xylophones hung on the wall.

And yes... that was Jeff playing in the background! I had to make him give up his mallet so Alex could play, too. ;)

Audrey loves books and rocking chairs (she has two in her room), so it was no surprise to see her relaxing in this kid-sized rocker by the shelf full of books!

This was by far Sarah's favorite exhibit. Can you guess why? Hmmm... let me see...

Audrey didn't realize this window was for creating medieval puppet shows. She just thought it would be fun to climb through.

Alex and Lucas soon found the fun with Sarah at what became their favorite exhibit also.

Lucas and one of Sarah's friends' little sister, Kate (She's just younger than Lucas) put on their own puppet show. Only Lucas forgot his puppet, and they both forgot to stay behind the curtain!

Here's Audrey enjoying making and "eating" her Japanese dinner.

With an entire two floors and a treehouse to explore, you'd think they would find their own separate places to play...

My cute little Firefighters.

My other cute little Firefighters with some stowaways on the truck!

On another note, can you believe these pictures?? If you live in Utah right now and are looking outside today, I'd say you don't believe them. But yes! It was actually Spring-like for a few days. These car washing, pool swimming pictures come from the same day as the Treehouse museum. It was a fun-filled, busy, exhausting, but very nice day.


Brooke and Brian said...

SO ADORABLE! Your boys look just like jeff, and your girlies are so darn cute! What a fun month! =) I love museums.

{Steve and Amanda} said...

So cute! I think that is a really good idea to take a picture of them in case something happens. I may have to do that myself when the time comes. When did Jeff shave his facial hair? I don't think I have ever seen him without. Pretty neat! Glad to see you guys have been having fun.

Ash Trump said...

Great post! Your kids are getting SOOOO big and what cutties!!! That Museum looked so fun I will have to remember that place when Dominic gets a little older ;o)

Laura said...

What a cool museum! Looks like it was a ton of fun; and the kids stayed together (no wandering off) ... at least that's what it looks like from the pictures. Sometimes I fail to get pictures because I'm trying to corral my wanderers. My mom calls it "herding kittens." Yup, that's about right. :)