Monday, March 30, 2009

Good Mom? Or Bad?

I've been feeling rather productive as of late. We made it to the grocery store this morning (yes ALL of us made it), which was a much needed excursion on multiple levels. Finally back at the house with the groceries put all away, I realized that the kitchen was clean enough to make some cookies. So we did. The kids all thoroughly enjoyed helping put all the ingredients in, and putting the M&M's on each one. Of course, they also thoroughly enjoyed "tasting" the dough and candies, as well as trying the finished product. Unfortunately, the cookie-making extravaganza turned out to be what their lunch consisted of. Along with a couple of glasses of milk. If I were a better, more health-nut of a mom, I probably would have insisted on some fruit and sandwiches before any cookie tasting of any kind. Oh well... maybe next time. At least they were all happy, right? Plus, it's not that common an occurrence to make cookies for lunch anyway. Here's me with the finished product. I thought I'd throw myself in there so those of you who haven't seen me in a little while will realize that I'm not really a weird-looking, balloon-faced mess ALL the time. See? I CAN look normal! Plus, I cut bangs recently and I'm still deciding whether or not they fit. What do you think?

Here's a second look to show the bangs more. Do I remind you of anyone? Just curious to know...

After our Cookie Extravaganza Lunch, the kids burned off some of their sugar energy playing "Voltron: Defenders of the Universe" in the kitchen and living room. Lucas was Zarkon. Sarah switched off between being the Black Lion and Keith, and Alex was Sven, and spent most of his time "dead" on the floor.

Lucas really enjoyed being the "bad guy," but wasn't always thrilled when the "good guys" fought back. Oh the challenges of learning how to play...


{Steve and Amanda} said...

Oh I love the bangs, I think they look great on you.

Emily said...

I totally agree with Amanda. Love the bangs! I think you look super cute. and I think you're a good mom haha these pictures of the kids are so funny and cute! I think its cool how Sarah can play more imaginary games with Alex & know it's their older.

I love how Lucas wasn't thrilled when the good guys fight back. Too funny!


Brooke and Brian said...

Oh my gosh what a fun family...your kids are so cute. And no you are not a good are the BEST mom EVER! I would give anything to have my mom say..."Hey, lets have cookies for lunch!!!" How fun! Oh, and the bangs are look great. As far as reminding me of anyone...its kind of a mix between Annie and mom. Who were you thinking?

Brooke and Brian said...

Oh, and you look momma! =)

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

It was both! Those two people are exactly who I thought of from those particular pictures. Although when my bangs haven't had the time to go flat yet, it's more mom. But in these ones, definitely Annie, too. Really, I was just curious what anyone thought...