Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beautiful Pleasant View

No, it's not a redundancy. It's the name of our little town. Not only is it the name of our town, but it's the truth! I LOVE where I live. I love my house. I love my yard (except for the lack of fencing :( ). I love my kids and family. I love my neighbors and my neighborhood. I just love life here right now. Yes... I said "right now," even though this post comes after an entire day of blizzard like snow that blanketed the almost completely visible grass with another foot or more of fluffy, sparkling whiteness. As the sun began to break through the clouds this morning, I couldn't help but reflect on the beauty of the nature I sometimes take for granted, yet am surrounded by every day. I absolutely LOVE the snow! Yes, it's cold outside. Yes, I'm ready for spring to come and the sun to warm it up enough for my kids to play outside again without layering up so much that they look like marshmallows. Yes, it's scary and dangerous driving in it. But it's BEAUTIFUL! Take a look:


Unknown said...

That looks WAY too cold for me. But BEAUTIFUL!

Nicole Anderson Photography said...

I love these pictures, with the blue sky and all the white snow- it looks so dreamy!