Monday, March 31, 2008


So it's been spring for more than a week now. Although, waking up this morning, I would never have guessed. Here's what I saw when I looked out the window early this morning:
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Sarah didn't seem to mind it, though.
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She even made a spring snow angel.
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I guess winter's not quite over yet. Even though tomorrow is April. Someday it will be warm again...


Anonymous said...

While you were bundled up making snow angels we were planting tomatos, peppers, Silver Queen corn, peas,cantelope, watermellon, strawberries, yellow and zucchini squash, in shorts and a tee shirt. Wish you were here.

The Farnsworth Family said...

Spring will be there soon! I am just so jealous of the amazing Spring and Summer weather you have ahead of you. Utah Summers can't be beat! BTW your normal and my normal are the same. Doesn't everyone's house look like that? he he!

Nanci said...

Is that a church outside your window? Hopefully spring will be there this month. I was so excited for April until several people told me that it is the worst month with snow, slush, cold then warm, and the cold again, etc. All I know is that I am one month closer to summer. Good job with the snow angel Sarah!

{Steve and Amanda} said...

I am from Minnesota and just looking at that snow gives me the shivers. AZ has made me such a wimp. Just think, your summer weather is going to be way nicer than ours.

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

Nanci- Yes! That's the church we go to on Sunday. But not for long, we're buying a house about 3 miles to the East of us. The church isn't quite walking distance there, but it's close enough.

Farrah said...

Brrr...looks cold. No thank you. I'm glad to be in the heat. Looks like Sarah loves it though. I'm sure it's fun for the kids to play in.

Becky said...

Love the way your blog looks and I LOVE, love, love that last fun is that?