At least, I think that's what they named her. My sister, Brooke, had her baby early Friday, June 27, 2008. She arrived at 3:39am, weighing in at seven pounds, three ounces, and was twenty inches long. My brother, David, took this cute picture of her and sent it to me. She is so adorable and I think she looks just like Brian! I can see both Brooke and Brian in her, though. I can't wait to meet her in person. Happy Birthday little Ryah!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Welcome Ryah Lynn Frost!
Labels: Family
Posted by Jeff and Ashleigh at 2:28 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Lucas the Addict
Okay. Don't freak out people. I really wouldn't let my child play around with prescription drugs. During the moving process, things get shoved around and occasionally end up on the ground. This bottle was empty and sitting in a box for trash when Lucas found it. Also, let me add: It was NOT drugs. It once held the kids' flouride tablets. (Weber County does not flouridate their water, so doctors prescribe flouride to be taken daily for kids.) Being the curious toddler that he is, Lucas picked it up and was trying to open the top, which he couldn't. He brought it to me and said "Help." (which sounded more like "heow") I opened it for him, and about five minutes later, saw him tipping it up like in the picture. He had filled it with his breakfast cereal and was "drinking" it out of his new "cup." After he finished, I threw the bottle away. I realized that I didn't want to encourage playing with something that could potentially have something harmful or dangerous in it. First, I took these pictures.
Labels: Lucas
Posted by Jeff and Ashleigh at 8:48 PM 6 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Every Day Should Be Father's Day
To me, it seemed more like Mother's Day than Father's Day. Jeff got up with the kids while I slept in...LATE. He got the boys ready for church, AND the diaper bag, tended Audrey during the classes, and kept Alex and Lucas entertained during Sacrament Meeting. When we got home, I gave Jeff his choice of what to eat for dinner. He didn't have a preference, wich comes as no surprise because he almost never will answer that question for me. I told him that if he didn't tell me what he wanted, then Sarah was going to get to choose, and she almost always wants Ramen. When I said that, he said that's what he wanted. It was fine by me because it's a really easy meal to make (if you can really call it a "meal") and leaves little mess to clean up (except the parts the boys throw on the floor). After eating our Ramen dinner, we watched "Muppets From Space" and I even got to take a nap. Then Jeff put the boys to bed and Sarah, Jeff and I ate the Father's Day ice cream sundaes I made for us. All in all, it was a semi-relaxing day for me. Hopefully it was for him, too. But it really did feel more like Mother's Day to me because I didn't have to do quite so much as I normally do on a Sunday. Thanks baby. Happy Father's Day!
*Check out my Impressions blog for my tribute to husbands.*
Posted by Jeff and Ashleigh at 7:55 PM 6 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
So, I've said before that Jeff is not the best gift giver for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Days or other special occasion days. But I think he's actually coming around lately. He gave me the best Valentine's Day this year, and a pretty great birthday today. If he hadn't been feeling under the weather on Mother's Day, he probably would have made that day a little more special, too. He called me from work this morning just to wish me a happy birthday. Then again in the afternoon to tell me not to worry about making a cake or other celebratory baked goods. He had it all covered. He took Alex, Lucas and Sarah to the store last night (yes, all three) and they each picked a little something they wanted to give Mama. Sarah picked a Little Mermaid PEZ dispenser. Lucas picked a small box of Whoppers, and Alex so lovingly decided on gummy worms. Not really sure what the candy theme was all about. But it certainly was cute. Jeff got be the best present of all of them, though. He bought me the George Foreman G5. I know probably no one appreciates this as much as I do unless you know about it. It's like having 5 appliances in one. If you frequently use each of the five, it is a very practical and useful thing to have. It makes waffles, bakes cookies or other low profile goods, fries skillet dishes, grills steaks or other meats more closely to an actual barbecue, and does the old-fashioned George Foreman duties just as well as it always has. I use my George Foreman grill a lot, as well as the waffle maker, and the countertop skillet. I also like to bake things in the toaster oven to save electricity and keep from heating the house unnecessarily. So the G5 is an obvious practicality for my kitchen. It was fully unexpected, and very appreciated. Thanks Jeffrey-Love!
I also bought a music stand on craigslist a few weeks ago to go in our new home's formal living/music room. It was an early birthday present.
After my dad visited and left some birthday money, I got myself an electric 3 barrel waver for my hair. I used it on Sunday for church, and it was pretty fun. I took these pictures after 3 hours of church and the waves relaxed a bit, but you get the picture. Thanks dad! Love you!
Posted by Jeff and Ashleigh at 10:12 PM 7 comments
Forever Family
My friend Brandi and her family were sealed in the Bountiful Temple this morning. I really wanted to be there and support her and celebrate with her family, but I just couldn't get a babysitter lined up. But since I couldn't be there with them, I decided to show my support and excitement for them in a different way. Hopefully they won't be mad about the tape on thier garage door! (Brandi-if it leaves some adhesive, let me know and I'll run over and clean it for you - I have the perfect stuff for that kind of thing. Sorry!)Brandi, I'm so happy for you guys. Sorry I couldn't be there in the temple with you. We love your wonderful family! Congratulations on your big day!!
Labels: Friends
Posted by Jeff and Ashleigh at 12:49 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Cowgirl!
It was Sarah's birthday on Saturday (June 7). I wasn't going to throw her a party, but she has made so many good friends since we moved up here, and since we will be moving next week (albeit only 1.3 miles West), I thought it fitting to let her celebrate with them in case she doesn't get to play with them much anymore. I helped her pick out six friends and give invitations to each. She decided she wanted a "horsey" party, and I have known for months that she intended to have a pinata on her birthday this time. So, what else but a horse one? Her cake was a horse. Her pinata was a horse. She gave out a couple of little horse toys in each party favor bag. She wore a pink cowboy hat (which she chose from the party store), and handed out horsey bandanas that Mama so graciously made for all her special friends out of the horsey material she chose. It was at the park because I didn't think we would have enough room in our current residence to host six little energetic party goers AND a pinata. Here's proof that our little girl turned four! (Or, at least that she celebrated it, anyway.)
Here's her pretty horsey cake.
With cute little cowboy boot candles. That's Lucas' little hand reaching up to see if he can sneak a taste of the cake undetected. He was caught! (on tape, even!)
Her pretty horsey pinata. I was afraid she would be too sad to break it open because it was a horse (one of her absolute favorite-est things in the whole world), but I think she was more excited for the candy inside to care about breaking it open. But as you can see, Alex, Lucas and Sarah (and her friends, of course) all had no problem taking a swing or two... or seven at that poor little candy-stuffed horse.
Oh, and I almost forgot. They build these things so solidly nowadays, so the kids needed a little help finishing off the horse. This was a task Jeff was thoroughly content to help accomplish. See? If you look closely, you can see the poor horse's back leg flying through the air in this one.
One of her favorite presents. Jeff insisted on this one, and it was a very good choice. Of course, she got a helmet to go along with it. She just had to hop on and take this picture for me before she put it on!
Here's Alex, enjoying the weather, rolling down the grassy hills, and sporting one of Sarah's horsey bandanas. He thought that was pretty cool. He also loved that he was allowed to wear his cowboy boots to the park. Thanks Grandma Sherie!
And last, but not least, Sarah's cute princess cowgirl hat. She was trying so hard to keep it on, but it's really an adult size one. Here she is with her friend from across the street who also donned a cowboy hat for the special occasion.
Sarah had six friends come, but I already sent copies of the pictures to them, and since this post is long enough and picture-filled enough, I'll omit those ones this time around. But she loved having you all come. Rex, Deklan, Kayana, Jausylon, Lily, and Parker all came out to help her celebrate. Thanks guys! (And moms, who so graciously either attended or let thier little ones come.) Happy Birthday Sarah Bara!
Posted by Jeff and Ashleigh at 11:49 PM 8 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
How Could I Forget???
Ummm... so I probably should have posted this a while ago, but I'm a little airheaded sometimes. After I picked up my dad from the train station last week and asked him if he wanted to go drive by what will soon be our new house I realized that I hadn't even told him we had made an offer! Well, we did. And they accepted it. We are scheduled to close on our amazing new house on June 18th. They had a virtual tour done when they put it up for sale, and I've made a slideshow of the ones I could snag off their website. Here's our soon to be new home!
I should say, the pictures in the slideshow are arranged alphabetically by how I titled them, so they are kind of a hodge podge. The layout of the house is as follows:
Main Floor (about 1150sf): Entry, Formal Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Laundry, 1/2 Bathroom, and Garage Entry. The Garage is two cars wide, with one side being two cars deep.
Second Floor (about 1150sf): Master Bedroom and Bath, Audrey's Room, Kids' Bathroom, Alex and Lucas Bedroom, and Sarah's Bedroom. I'm sure there's a linen closet in that hallway too.
Basement (about 1150sf): Family Room, Under the Porch Cold Storage, Under the Stairs Storage, Bedroom, Office/Sewing Room (basically a bedroom with no closet), and Bathroom.
We are so super excited to finally own a house again. And this one is a great house in a great location with great schools. It can't get much better than that. We have been truly blessed.
Labels: Miscellaneous, New House
Posted by Jeff and Ashleigh at 9:49 PM 10 comments
Fathers & Sons
Once our ward finally figured out how, where, when and whether to have the campout, they went to a farm in Logan and camped in the field. The boys had a lot of fun together, and Alex and Lucas really enjoyed the one on one time with Papa. Jeff took a few pictures of the night, and here they are all enjoying the outdoors in Northern Utah for a night.
I bought these shirts for the boys a little while ago, and I thought it would be extra cute and funny because they're twins and neither brother is really the "big" brother. Alex is two minutes older, but they're pretty much the same size. They're definitely cute though! (click the image to enlarge if you can't read it)
(This one is a little blurry, but it's the best shot we got where you can read it)
Posted by Jeff and Ashleigh at 12:36 PM 5 comments